About IUO

Life plan

Each individual must make a plan for themselves to conquer their planned goals. First, based on personal desires and personal life goals, building a plan to conquer career and life goals must follow these steps:

  • Need to clarify one’s motivation in life.
  • It is necessary to clarify one’s own mindset and attitude towards the goal.
  • It is necessary to clarify what is necessary. what is important? but what is decisive?
  • Plan 1 year, 5 year, 10 year goals.
  • Evaluate the stages to gain experience
Xay Dung Ke Hoach Ca Nhan 0

To integrate into the G23.0 Management environment, we need to clearly define the goals and objectives of the work to have an effective implementation plan. In addition, it is necessary to have a Mentor to help us integrate effectively. Every training institution in the world has certain input requirements and prerequisites. At EAS Vietnam, we respect these things, but there are requirements that EAS Vietnam requires future EASers to satisfy.

Demonstrate and clarify your goals and mission: This is something that Vietnamese learners ignore and even training institutions take lightly, causing learners to waste unnecessary time and money. This is the most important requirement for learners to be accepted at EAS Vietnam.

  • Demonstrate motivation and serious learning attitude: This is something that most Vietnamese learners often pay little attention to or take lightly, which will greatly impact the results of the training process and future career.
  • State the academic or professional requirements and goals to be achieved when participating in the training course: This is an important requirement that training institutions often overlook for commercial reasons. Learners often have limited information transparency leading to inconsistent needs.Commitment to respect and strictly comply with training regulations: This is the thing that most Vietnamese students often show the weakest compliance and self-awareness in building their own brand. 

Quan Tri Kinh Doanh Iuo

EAS Vietnam is the first unit to initiate commercial internship and vocational internship activities under the professional training program. Interns experience a professional environment and real labor discipline, helping them regain their inherent capacity in real situations.

Leading experts will assist interns enthusiastically, responsibly and academically. In addition, EAS Vietnam also offers interns benefits and accompanying services that not all businesses can meet.

Values ​​that cannot be bought with money and no one can bring them to you but us.


The graduation plan is not only your determination but also your value is shown through the completion of the academic requirements of the training program to receive a degree. In addition to academic efforts. Learners need to make efforts to eliminate prejudices in life and aim for their own high goals, not just a degree or simple material things.