About IUO

Chancellor’s Message

Tong Giam Doc

Dr. Bui Phuong Viet Anh

Chairman of the Academic Council, President, General Director of EAS Vietnam, Director of SHRM Institute

Welcome to the International University Outreach (IUO) program of EAS Vietnam.

IUO builds a training program based on the Hybrid – Case-study model and the world’s first integrated technology of subject credits according to the EAS IHHRM G23.0 standard, taught in English or Vietnamese. IUO can be transferred to obtain a bachelor’s degree from a university of the School.

IUO has a quality management model equivalent to international universities. IUO is proud to have created a “revolutionary” international environment in training thinking, likened to “Vietnam’s West Point University”, creating human resources with “the physique of a model, the health of an Olympic athlete, the intelligence of a scholar, the eloquence of a theorist, and the behavior of a psychologist”.

Accordingly, the IUO program is considered as an “On-site Study Abroad Program” with costs and time only 30% compared to regular universities, let alone international programs. In addition, IUO is the first to break all traditional admission criteria when offering non-traditional admission and training solutions. IUO has created a place for Vietnamese citizens to study to change and become global citizens right in Vietnam.